Broccoli for Osteoarthritis Treatment?

Broccoli Research Produces Promising Results for Osteoarthritis Patients

Research suggests that a compound found in broccoli could be a worthwhile osteoarthritis treatment.

Sulforophane is a chemical compound found in broccoli. It reduces inflammation and helps to maintain the health of cartilage.

Researchers from a London veterinary college tested sulforophane on mice, and found they experienced improved bone structure, gait balance, and mobility, UK newspaper The Telegraph recently reported.

The natural compound has not been successfully made into a usable form of medication, so researchers used a synthetic substitute of sulforophane.

According to the report the medication, known as Sulforadex or SFX-01, provides the equivalent amount of sulforophane as is contained in five and a half pounds of broccoli.

At this stage, Sulforadex is not available for humans. Clinical trials must be conducted to determine the safety, efficacy, and dosage recommendations for people.

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In the meantime, broccoli is a healthy food choice. Broccoli is low in calories and high in vitamins A and C. It contains fiber, calcium, iron, carbohydrates, and protein.

The vegetable also contains compounds known to help prevent cancer. Raw or lightly cooked broccoli contains the most nutrients.

Check with your health care provider before consuming large amounts of broccoli if you have thyroid problems or are taking anticoagulants (blood thinning medications).

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